They propose to reduce the retirement age of Russians – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Russian women may have another chance to retire early. A project was submitted to legislators for consideration, according to which if a mother has three children, she will retire at 54 years old, and if she has four children, then at 52 years old. It is important that the woman has at least 15 years of work experience. Let us note that similar benefits already exist for mothers of many children in Russia. For example, women who raised four or three children under 8 years old retire at 56 and 57 years old. And women with five or more children – at 50 years old. However, the new initiative has caused a lot of controversy. Although it encourages large families, its impact on the pension system and the labor market as a whole is difficult to determine. There are too many factors to analyze to predict the outcome.

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