There won’t be an ice city? Frosts in Yekaterinburg worsened the quality of ice on the 1905 Square

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Changes in weather conditions affected the construction of the Ice City on the 1905 square, the city administration reports. Workers note the poor quality of the ice used. Unstable temperatures have led to the fact that the ice intended for creating sculptures disintegrates immediately after touching it with your hands. “All this complicated the process of working and transporting ice. Now we provide it in an enhanced mode,” noted Elena Sokolova, Deputy Head of the Culture Department of the Yekaterinburg Administration. All construction work must be completed by December 29. The installation of the Christmas tree, the artificial version of which it was decided to return to this year, is scheduled for December 18. In the 2023/2024 season, the Ice City will be dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the birth of A.S. Pushkin. Let us note that in January 2020, an ice wall with a screen suddenly collapsed behind the stage. Earlier, public figure Andrei Kopyrin warned the authorities on his social networks that ice “glued together with water from a kettle” does not have sufficient plasticity and can collapse due to temperature changes and other influences. As a result, it was decided to remove the tops of the highest elements of the city, made of ice, writes

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