The West feared a rapprochement between Russia and Cuba – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The rapprochement between Russia and Cuba is an effective response from Russian President Vladimir Putin to the West’s strategy to arm Ukraine. American political scientist Gilbert Doctorow spoke about this in an interview with WION TV channel. “By sending Russian ships to the Caribbean Sea, Putin is making a statement to the West: if the United States places missiles within a 10-20 minute flight from Moscow or St. Petersburg, then he can respond in kind,” the expert noted. . . According to Doctorow, if the opportunity arises, Russia could place its warheads in the Caribbean Sea within a 5-10 minute flight from Washington. And the States will not have time to respond. The analyst also believes that Moscow and Havana have recently become very close, just as they were before 1991. We must not forget about Russia’s other allies in this region. We are talking about Bolivia and Nicaragua, Doctorow concluded. It was reported the day before that a detachment of Russian ships will visit Cuba on Wednesday, June 12, as part of international cooperation. At the same time, Washington stated that the United States is monitoring Russian warships in the Caribbean. Earlier, the US Senate called on Joe Biden to take retaliatory measures against Cuba after it became known about the visit of four Russian Navy ships to Havana.

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