The Vasily Merkulov Sports Palace was opened in Voronezh by two legendary wrestlers – Merkulov and Karelin.

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On Saturday, March 2, the grand opening of the Vasily Merkulov Sports Palace took place in Voronezh. The multifunctional center is located at: st. Patriot Avenue, 45 m. Athletes call the new four-story sports facility the Wrestling Palace, since it was built specifically for wrestling. Also, the multifunctional center will host matches in volleyball, handball, basketball and other team sports. The legendary man and famous Voronezh wrestler Vasily Merkulov, after whom the palace is named, came to the opening of the sports complex. Vasily Prokofievich is a master of sports, seven-time champion of the Soviet Union, three-time winner of the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the Soviet Union, winner of the European Championship and multiple winner of international tournaments. Today, March 2, is Vasily Prokofievich’s birthday. birthday – the athlete turned 82 years old. The distinguished guests who arrived at the opening of the Sports Palace did not hide that the new sports complex was a sign of gratitude to the legendary wrestler. Vice-President of the Governor Alexander Gusev was present at the grand opening of the sports complex. Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Alexey Gordeev, wrestler, three-time Olympic champion, member of the Federation Council Alexander Karelin and others. Together with Vasily Merkulov, they inspected the gym, visited the medical sector where doping control is carried out. a universal gym and training center with three wrestling mats. Governor Alexander Gusev congratulated Vasily Merkulov on his birthday. The head of the region thanked him for his sporting achievements and loyalty to his native land and presented the outstanding athlete with a medal for his work “For the benefit of the Voronezh country.” The head of the region also presented the athlete with a certificate for 1 million rubles for the purchase of equipment for the new Sports Palace. In his welcoming speech, Alexander Gusev emphasized that the initiators of the construction of the Sports Palace were Alexey Gordeev and Alexander. Karelin “It seems to me that this object turned out very good and functional. We did not strive for scale, but tried to build a sports complex where it would be convenient for children to play sports and where competitions could be held. We succeeded. I am sure that the halls of the palace will definitely not be empty, and our athletes will win new victories,” said Alexander Gusev. The head of the region also added that similar sports facilities will be built throughout the Voronezh region. Alexey Gordeev remembered. that the decision to build the Sports Palace was made several years ago, when the Russian wrestling championship was held in the Voronezh region. – Alexander Karelin shamed us then – he said: “You have a city of over a million people, but there is no sports.” castle. to fight.” Then we decided to make a good project and build a sports complex. Fortunately, the idea came true. I thank Governor Alexander Viktorovich Gusev and the regional government for the implementation of this project. The cost of the facility is just over 1 billion rubles, of which 75% is regional money. When such attention is paid to sports in the region, it is worth a lot,” said Alexey Gordeev. Alexander Karelin also joined in congratulating the famous wrestler. He also congratulated all Voronezh athletes on the new facility. “I want to thank Alexander. Gusev, Alexey Gordeev. On behalf of all the wrestlers, I want to thank you! Despite the huge occupation, they monitored the progress of construction. Here young athletes will receive new opportunities. This sports complex is a vivid illustration of the words of national leader Vladimir Putin about the need to be a strong power, a strong state,” said Alexander Karelin. The politician highly appreciated the technological equipment and planning solutions of the Sports Palace. In his opinion, the conditions of the sports complex allow holding not only all-Russian tournaments, but also international level competitions. “Few subjects of the Russian Federation have such capabilities and such targeted support. I think Voronezh residents will highly appreciate the new Sports Palace,” noted Alexander Karelin. At the opening of the Sports Palace, a member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation from the Kherson region, and ex-State Duma deputy from the Voronezh region Igor Kastyukevich also spoke, who noted that the opening of the sports complex is a gift to Vasily Merkulov and a sign of gratitude from his students “Today I see how the federal authorities , the regional government and the sports community have resolved the problems that were raised a year and a half ago. Thank you very much for making dreams come true and becoming absolutely real,” noted Igor Kastyukevich. Information from RIA Voronezh The Vasily Merkulov Sports Palace was built in just a year and a half as part of the federal project “Sport – Standard of Life” of the national project “Demography”. The building area is 10 thousand square meters. On the ground floor there is a gym with changing rooms, showers and a sauna. On the second floor there is a huge multifunctional sports hall for competitions in team sports – handball, basketball, volleyball, badminton and table tennis. In the hall, a video cube is suspended from the ceiling, on the screens of which gameplay and recordings of sports competitions will be broadcast. Nearby there is another gym – a wrestling area with a training room and three professional wrestling mats. Did you notice the error? Select it with the mouse and press Ctrl+Enter.

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