Home Russianews The Timchenko Foundation has begun collecting children's drawings in anticipation of the autumn competition campaign. 1 месяц назад 1 месяц назад Russianews The Timchenko Foundation has begun collecting children’s drawings in anticipation of the autumn competition campaign. от Аноним 1 месяц назад1 месяц назад 136луков In September, it is planned to announce competitions where children will be the focus. Source link anticipation, autumn, begun, campaign, childrens, collecting, competition, drawings, Foundation, TimchenkoКинуть ссылку- расшарить 124 Share via 124 голоса 0 комментариев Отменить ответВаш адрес email не будет опубликован. Обязательные поля помечены * Сколько будет 2 плюс 7? (Required) Leave the field below empty! Security: Confirm:
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