The threat of sabotage on the Northern Sea Route was seen in underwater drones made in Norway

Posting in CHAT: Russia

March 30, 2024, 14:01 Expert Stepanov: Norwegian-made drones can threaten the Northern Sea Route RIA Novosti Read 360tv in Norwegian-made underwater drones can be used for sabotage and attacks on Russian infrastructure in the Arctic. In particular, to paralyze the logistics of the Northern Sea Route, military expert Alexander Stepanov told TASS. The agency’s interlocutor also did not rule out targeted attacks on the Russian nuclear icebreaker escorting cargo. He recalled that Norway is considered a leading manufacturer of autonomous surface and underwater systems. Many developments belong to Kongsberg. In February, the company received a contract from the US Navy to produce a submersible capable of operating at depths of up to six thousand meters. In December 2023, the US State Department announced the expansion of the continental shelf in the Bering Sea and the Arctic. Russian authorities stated that this happened unilaterally, without the permission of a special commission. Authors: Yulia Shelkovenko

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