The submarine cruiser “Emperor Alexander the Third” made a test launch of the “Bulava” [видео]

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News | 05 11 2023, 10:35 | SeverPost Video: Ministry of Defense The new strategic nuclear missile submarine “Emperor Alexander the Third” successfully launched the sea-based intercontinental ballistic missile “Bulava”. Rocket firing was carried out from the White Sea along the Kura Battlefield on the Kamchatka River. On the peninsula, the Ministry of Defense reported, everything went well in the normal underwater mode. The missile warheads arrived in the designated area at the designated time. The launch of a ballistic missile is the final element of state tests, after which a decision will be made on whether to accept the cruiser into the Navy. The nuclear-powered strategic missile submarine cruiser “Emperor Alexander the Third” is a serial ship built at OJSC “PO Sevmash” according to the “Borey-A” project. It is equipped with 16 Bulava ballistic missiles and modern torpedo weapons. These nuclear submarines belong to the 4th generation and are part of the submarine forces of the Northern and Pacific fleets. Currently, the Navy has 3 Borei-A missile submarines, one is completing tests, three are under construction. Let us recall that the ski slope on Lake Sredneye in Murmansk will be illuminated for 4 million. Read also: Due to the explosion, automatic access to Teriberka will be blocked. To be the first to know the main news and most important events of the day, subscribe to our Telegram channel.

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