The story of a staff intelligence officer – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

I had an interview at the invitation of a potential employer. That is, it was not me, but the employer who became interested in me and made an offer. The position is head of the department, the difference in salary is about 30 thousand from my current one. Quarterly and annual bonuses are similar to the current ones, but “white”. Non-employees are not allowed to enter the parking lot; they have to leave the car outside the territory and stamp, stamp, stamp…. Okay, sometimes that’s not the worst thing. You are then asked throughout the interview to place your phone and bag in a metal cabinet. I agree, a candidate who twirls the phone in his hands during a conversation and manages to write messages on WhatsApp does not inspire favor. But leave things not in the reception area or in the wardrobe, but in a separate metal cabinet with a lock… At the entrance to the office and meeting room there is a frame (!!!), that is, you go. in 2 frames for the interview. Okay, security is good. I was invited, I spoke for the first time, it was interesting from the point of view of professional growth. They discussed my cases and gave me a test task on the specifics of the employer’s activities. It was interesting, excitement began, I completed the task… Then there was a meeting to discuss the test task. We also had a heartfelt conversation. And not only with staff, but also with immediate potential management. And this is the end – an invitation to fill out questionnaires for control by security forces, final approval and approval. After so many meetings and crossing borders, it became not just interesting, but fundamentally interesting. So. Questionnaire No. 1 is very “standard” – “where they were born, where they were baptized” – husband/wife, children, father/mother, grandfather/grandmother (even if no longer alive), on his side and on his wife’s side. Were there any prisoners (if so, under what articles). That is, I had to indicate everything about myself, about each of my parents and about each of their parents, and also through my wife. What does my husband’s grandmother have to do with my professional qualities? She left this world a long time ago, like the village she came from… But, apparently, safety… Questionnaire No. 2? it’s all about education. Did you go to kindergarten before school or not? If not, for what reason? Next comes the school, if the school has changed, then you must indicate the reason (moving, transfer for behavior, etc.). It’s the same at university. Questions on the topic – do you communicate with your classmates? If not, for what reason? If yes, how often? What was your favorite subject in college? Why did you choose this specialty? Do you have additional education? Why did you decide to get additional education? Have you attended courses and trainings? Why did you decide to visit them? Why didn’t you attend courses and trainings? And everything like that. Questionnaire No. 3 – finances, are there any loans and mortgages, what property is registered in my name, what is in my wife’s name, a common or separate budget in the family, the wife’s salary level. Was the property received by inheritance or as a gift? Is it possible to enter into inheritance rights? A number of questions regarding the availability of accounts and the amounts on them. When asked about the pace of these questions, the employees (sitting opposite all the time) answered that it was necessary to indicate “you need to understand the level of income of our employees, if you replenish accounts, then in what amounts, if you have shares, then it is also better to indicate if you rent real estate , it is better to indicate all additional sources of income.” And questionnaire No. 4 entitled “General information about the applicant.” Questions that made me literally scream… Could you give your child up for adoption? How do you feel about childless families? Have you ever witnessed an animal being killed or committed suicide? Have you witnessed a person’s death? How did you experience it (if the answer was yes) How often do you have sex? Is sex important to you or do you consider it a necessity? Have you participated in sex orgies? Have you been a victim of sexual violence? Do you consider yourself overweight/fat? How often do you use diets and nutrition systems to maintain your appearance? Do you dye your hair? If so, why? Do you take advantage of opportunities to improve your appearance? List what – injections, hair/eye/nail extensions, anti-aging surgeries, etc. Have you had the experience of relieving yourself in a public place (park, beach, entrance) in front of everyone? Are you religious? If yes, please indicate your religion. If not, write why. How do you feel about “those events that are talked about from every iron”? Well, and 2 more sheets of questions about religion, relationships with parents, relationships with food, aliens, etc. The last column – if you think it is necessary to say something else about yourself, write. I asked if such questionnaires are a test for stress resistance? It turned out that no, this is the norm for them. She said that I consider filling out such forms, to put it mildly, a little “not my” activity. I went to find out how my professional qualities correspond to the frequency of hair coloring… At the exit, the personnel officer uttered a phrase like “It’s a pity that this offended you, it’s normal questions for us, it’s normal to know everything. About your employees, and our salaries are competitive, you shouldn’t have handled formalities like that.” The organization is in no way connected with the external and internal security of the Motherland, does not participate in secret developments, has nothing to do with the government, astronautics, IT, religion, media, morality police and the Masonic Society (although I don’t know) … They are engaged in the production and sale of products from meat and poultry… Dumplings, cutlets, sausages. .. Perhaps HR will enlighten you – is this the norm now or am I just “lucky”?

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