The State Duma proposed launching auctions for the purchase of “beautiful” rooms – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

State Duma deputy Vladislav Davankov took the initiative to launch auctions for the acquisition of “beautiful” license plates, RIA Novosti reports. The parliamentarian sent a corresponding appeal addressed to Deputy Prime Minister, Chief of Staff of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation Dmitry Grigorenko. Davankov explained that we are talking about a system of open auctions. In his opinion, such a system will allow the government and regions to receive “additional budget revenues, which could amount to several billion rubles a year.” “In addition, such a system will be transparent and fair: everyone, including individuals and legal entities, will be able to participate in the auction on equal terms, excluding corruption schemes,” the appeal says. The State Duma vice-speaker from “New People” claims that “beautiful” numbers are sold through corruption schemes and the “gray market”. The price can vary from 30 thousand rubles to ten million rubles. Davankov explained that information about this is available on the Internet. Earlier it was reported that the Cabinet of Ministers submitted to the State Duma a bill on the deprivation of driver’s licenses for the use of devices that help hide state signs on cars.

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