The State Duma has prepared an amendment on pensions for widows of soldiers with children who died in the Northern Military District.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The State Duma Working Committee has prepared amendments so that widows of deceased participants in a special operation in Ukraine can receive a survivor’s pension until the child reaches the age of 23. State Duma committee member Ekaterina Stenyakina reported this on her Telegram channel. Supporting the families of the deceased participants in the special operation in Ukraine is a common and priority task. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin at the opening of the forum of veterans of the special operation “Together we will win.” In addition, the Russian leader noted that the vast majority of Russians are with the army, navy and fighters. “the foundation of our success.” Children of heroes of Russia and the Soviet Union were offered exemption from paying utility bills and contributions for major repairs. The corresponding amendments were approved at a meeting of the government commission on legislative activities on March 11.

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