The State Duma Defense Committee recommended rejecting the project to defer mobilization for fathers of three children – May 16, 2024.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The authors of the bill hope that they will be able to finalize the draft Source: Dmitry Emelyanov / E1.RU The State Duma Defense Committee recommended rejecting the bill, which proposes to provide a deferment for mobilization to fathers of three children. The corresponding document is posted in the Duma’s electronic database. The bill proposed to give a deferment to citizens who have dependent not four, but three children aged not sixteen, but under eighteen, or full-time students. twenty-three years In the conclusion, signed by the head of the State Duma Committee on Defense, Andrei Kartapolov, it is written that the deputies “understand the constant desire of the authors of the bill to protect the maximum number of citizens from the consequences of mobilization.” .which are unprofitable for them and their family members,” but cannot agree with it, since an increase in deferments will negatively affect the recruitment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. One of the authors of the bill, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family Issues “Women and Children” Nina Ostanina told us that did not participate in the work of the committee due to health reasons, but has already sent a letter to the participants. — In a letter, I addressed the committee with a request not to consider the bill without my participation. I haven’t seen the commission’s conclusion, but I have seen the government’s conclusion that it needs improvement,” said Nina Ostanina. The deputy would like to have the opportunity to finalize the draft together with its other authors, because Vladimir Putin’s decree says so. A large family begins with three or more children. — I think the presidential decree also applies to departmental legislation. As for mobilization, this is one situation, but when it comes to partial mobilization, certain categories of citizens are subject to delay. I also include fathers with many children among them,” concluded Nina Ostanina. Let us remind you that in the fall of 2022, the Ministry of Defense provided a deferment to fathers of three children under 16 years of age. However, in January the directive of the General Staff was canceled.

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