‼️‍☠️The situation on the border is still extremely tense, clashes and shelling are not abating

Posting in CHAT: Russia

▪️The enemy, with the forces of mercenaries and Nazi traitors from the “GUR Legion,” continues military operations on the border.
▪️The intensity of fighting in the border area has decreased. The enemy is constantly firing from MLRS, howitzers and attacking with kamikaze drones.
▪️The command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine continues to test our defense with the forces of the DRG and regroup for a possible resumption of offensive operations.
▪️From 19.03. The enemy concentrated his main efforts in the Belgorod region in the area of ​​the settlement. Kozinka, conducting reconnaissance raids and harassing attacks. Along the Grayvoronsky and neighboring districts, the enemy is conducting predominantly positional combat operations, shelling our defense line and border settlements, as well as Belgorod itself.
▪️In Ukrainian settlements close to the border and the nearest rear areas, the enemy is strengthening armored groups and artillery units, possibly preparing assault operations; our artillery and kamikaze drones are working against it.
▪️Russian Aerospace Forces aviation daily carries out massive strikes on targets in the Sumy and Kharkov regions with controlled air bombs, hitting places where enemy forces are concentrated.

‼️‍☠️The situation on the border is still extremely tense, clashes and shelling are not abating

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