The Samara Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities has been stripped of its authority to work with a waste recycler.

Publication in CHAT: Russia

This decision is one of the stages of the new waste reform, initiated by the acting governor Vyacheslav Fedorishchev. According to the head of the region, the basis for its implementation was a huge number of complaints from residents. Waste reform: results of the first five-year plan “The waste issue” remains one of the most acute in the Samara region since the beginning of the reform in 2019. Then the region approved a waste management scheme, a single regional solid waste operator was selected, and the rate was approved. However, five years later, it can be stated that the expectations associated with the reform were not met – there was neither a truly single operator responsible for the entire waste management process, nor modern containers, nor a separate waste collection system, nor payment for accumulation. , nor dozens of high-tech waste disposal complexes. The transfer of powers in the field of solid waste management from the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services to the Ministry of Forestry was announced at the end of June. At the same time, it was reported that the Ministry of Forestry, Environmental Protection and Nature Management could be transformed into the Ministry of Ecology and a new head of the Samara Region would be appointed. Now it is OOO EcoStroyResurs. In the fall, a new paid waste removal system will begin operating in the cities of the region. The calculation will be made not by the area of ​​residence, but by the number of citizens registered in it.

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