The regional track of the Sber Prize in Science has started in Samara – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev organized the first event within the regional track of the Sberbank Science Prize. The students were addressed by the laureate of the Sberbank Science Prize 2023, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Evgeny Tyrtyshnikov. The goal of the regional track is to increase students’ interest in scientific activities and introduce them to scientists who have received real financial support from Sberbank for their contribution to the development of science. Evgeny Tyrtyshnikov spoke about methods for presenting multidimensional data and introduced students to algorithms that allow them to successfully solve problems that go beyond the capabilities of supercomputers. The event was opened by Natalia Zeitler, President of the Volga Region of Sberbank. “In science, as in any business, it is important to have guidelines and sources of inspiration,” she emphasized. “Therefore, within the framework of the Sber Science Prize, we organize meetings with outstanding scientists who are changing this world in key regional universities. I am sure that live communication with Evgeny Evgenievich will become a starting point in their scientific career for many children and will help to reveal their potential.” Evgeny Tyrtyshnikov, in turn, drew the students’ attention to the fact that science is not just a complex, distant theory. The practical application of innovative approaches can significantly change our understanding of the world and expand the boundaries of human capabilities. “A unique opportunity to change the course of things, leaving your mark on history, I urge you not to be afraid to dream, to explore new horizons and take bold steps towards your goals in the scientific world,” he addressed the audience. Rector of Samara University Vladimir Bogatyrev noted that the popularization of mathematics and mechanics is more important today than ever, given the tasks of strengthening technological sovereignty that Russia faces: “All conditions for a deep and systematic study of these subjects have been created at Samara University named after Korolev. Federal Professor of Mathematics Sergey Vladimirovich Astashkin, Director of the Scientific and Educational Center “Fundamental and Applied Mathematics and Mechanics”. The curator of one of the nine Russian scientific and educational mathematical centers of the country gave lectures on popular sciences at our university. The annual scientific lectures of Nobel laureate Zhores Alferov brought together students from all universities in the region our site Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, laureate of the Sber Scientific Prize in the nomination “Digital Universe” Evgeny Evgenievich Tyrtyshnikov Evgeny Evgenievich received the prize for creating new matrices and tensor methods for solving very large problems. , multidimensional problems This opens up broad opportunities for accelerating calculations in the natural sciences, machine learning and other areas. The Sber Scientific Prize inspires a deep study of mathematics, and I would like this inspiration to be passed on to teachers,” the rector said. The Sber Prize for Science is an initiative aimed at supporting outstanding scientists and developing scientific research in Russia within the framework of Of these initiatives, three personal prizes of 20 million rubles are awarded to Russian and foreign scientists who have made a significant contribution to the development of science, continue active scientific work in our country and open up new prospects. This year, it was established for young scientists under the auspices of. 36 years for outstanding scientific achievements obtained using AI in science, with a prize fund of 16.5 million rubles.

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