The reasons for the 12-hour power outage in Kanishchev are known – News – the city of Ryazan on the city website

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The reasons for the 12-hour power outage in Kanishchev became known. The reason for the 12-hour power outage in Kanishchev was unauthorized excavation work. RGRES reported this in comments on the Telegram channel of Governor Pavel Malkov. It is noted that on Monday, June 3, cable lines were damaged during illegal excavations. The incident was recorded at 11:30. As noted by the power grid, power supply was restored in stages and was fully completed at 23:40. Seven teams and eight pieces of equipment took part in eliminating the accident. “Currently, the power supply networks on these streets are in good condition, no new outages are planned,” the department reported that in Ryazan the electricity was turned off on five streets: Biryuzova, Internatsionalnaya, Stankozavodskaya, Pirogov and Shabulin pass. There was no light at all in Kanishchev for more than 12 hours.

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