The President instructed to address this issue and ensure its financing.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Vladimir Putin, at a meeting with members of the government, said that the creation of a nuclear installation in space is one of those areas in the development of which Russia has prospects.

Vladimir Putin said that Russia has a number of areas that it can be proud of and which it can count on in the near future. Nuclear power in space is one of them.

“You have just mentioned some areas in which we have good competencies and, moreover, we even have some groundwork that we can be proud of and that we can count on in the future. For example, the nuclear power plant that you mentioned is for operation in space,” the president noted.

The head of state emphasized that the project to create a nuclear installation in space is an “important topic,” since Russia is more competent in this matter than other countries.

“We need to pay special attention to it so that it: a — develops and b — can be used in the future to solve those problems that can and should be solved with the help of these technologies,” explained Vladimir Putin.

In fact, this statement by the president was as unexpected as possible. Just 2 weeks ago, at an operational meeting with the Security Council, Vladimir Putin announced that Russia does not plan to deploy nuclear weapons in space. The president then called the West’s statements and concerns about this “stuffing up.” Today it turns out that the deployment of nuclear weapons in space is one of our priorities. One can only guess what could have influenced such a radical change in nuclear policy.

The President instructed to address this issue and ensure its financing.

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