The “Our Fish” fair will come to Monchegorsk – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

News | 17 05 2024, 12:30 | SeverPost Photo: SeverPost / Alexander Loginov The traveling fair “Our Fish” will open in Monchegorsk on May 25, the city administration reported, local residents will be able to buy chilled, frozen, smoked fish and shellfish from 11:00 to 18:00 at hour No. 1. 34a on Metallurgov Avenue. Let us remind you that the delegation of Polyarnye Zori, invited by the Hungarian side, went to Budapest, and then to the city of Kalocsa, the sister city of Polyarnye Zori. Read also: A repeat offender at a car dealership received a prison sentence for three thefts. To be the first to know the main news and the most important events of the day, subscribe to our Telegram channel.

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