The number of doctors has increased in Buryatia – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

In Buryatia in 2023, for the first time in the last three years, the level of availability of doctors increased. It was 34.5 per 10 thousand inhabitants, which is higher than the level of 2022 (33.2 per 10 thousand inhabitants). The provision of paramedical workers has also increased, which in 2023 amounted to 84.5 per 10 thousand inhabitants (2022 – 83.9 per 10 thousand inhabitants). The head of the republic, Alexey Tsydenov, stated this during a report to the People’s Khural on the activities of the past year. He noted that this was the result of ongoing measures to staff the health care system. In 2023, 279 applicants from Buryatia entered targeted places at medical universities in the country to study in specialized programs. This is higher than in 2022 (185 candidates) and almost twice as many as in 2019 (146 candidates). 88 people entered residency in 2022, 81 people in 2022. Currently, more than 900 university students and 164 residents are studying under targeted agreements in Buryatia. In 2023, the number of budget places in republican medical colleges increased by 225 and amounted to 495 places. Under the federal programs “Zemsky Doctor” and “Zemsky Paramedic”, 82 doctors and 26 paramedical workers were employed in the regions of the republic. Over the six years of implementation of the program, 469 doctors and 158 paramedical workers were sent to the regions of the republic. Since 2021, participants in the Zemsky Doctor program, when finding employment in small towns, receive one-time payments in the amount of one million rubles from the republican budget. In 2023, 14 doctors received such a payment. Taking into account the federal payment, program participants receive two million rubles. From 2022, an additional million rubles will be paid from the republican budget to doctors of rare specialties employed in the regions of the republic under the “Zemstvo Doctor” program. They are also paid two million rubles from federal funds. In 2023, 16 doctors received payments in the amount of three million rubles. In addition, 13 doctors of especially scarce specialties employed in state medical organizations in the city of Ulan-Ude received payments. In 2023, the government of the republic continued to work to provide residents of Buryatia with high-quality and affordable medical care. Access to high-tech medical care is expanding for residents of the republic. In 2023, about 7.5 thousand people received such assistance, which is almost 8.5 percent more than in 2022. Our doctors have mastered such complex operations as stenting of coronary arteries, implantation of pacemakers, kidney transplantation, etc. About 3,900 studies have been conducted at the Nuclear Medicine Center. To improve the quality of life of terminally ill citizens, palliative medical care is provided. In 2023, more than four thousand palliative patients were treated in hospitals. The government is working to strengthen the material and technical base of healthcare institutions. Over the past five years, 102 new healthcare facilities have appeared in Buryatia. 1,084 units of medical equipment (ultrasound examination systems, computed tomographs, digital X-ray machines, colposcope, electromyograph, etc.) were supplied to medical institutions. Over six years, 2,671 units of new medical equipment were purchased. The fleet of medical organizations received 135 ambulances and 311 passenger and ambulance vehicles.

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