The Moscow City Court overturned the sentence of Ryazan businessman Stanislav Podol – News – the city of Ryazan on the city website

Posting in CHAT: Russia

A Moscow court overturned the sentence of Ryazan merchant Stanislav Podol. It is noted that the case has been sent for a new trial. Vidsbok was informed about this in a message from the press service of the Moscow City Court. It is noted that the case was sent for a new trial. We would like to remind you that the Podol case was reconsidered in the Moscow City Court following a decision of the Supreme Court. court He became involved in a criminal case after kindergarten students in Moscow became infected with an intestinal infection. The investigation established that the victims were poisoned by butter produced by AMK Ryazansky, a plant owned by Podol. Video from the press service of the Moscow City Court

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