The Ministry of Finance is ready to discuss the abolition of exchange rates along with an increase in income tax

From October 1 until the end of 2024, the government introduced flexible export duties on a wide range of goods, tied to the ruble exchange rate. The tax will be 4% of the customs value of the goods at an average rate of 80-85 rubles/$, 4.5% at a rate of 85-90 rubles/$, 5.5% at a rate of 90-95 rubles/$. . . The maximum rate – 7% – will be set for exporters in the amount of more than 95 rubles/$. At a price of 80 rubles per dollar and below, it is zero. The tax on fertilizers will be up to 10% depending on the ruble exchange rate. The measure was taken to protect the domestic market from unjustified price increases and maintain a reasonable ratio between the export of goods and domestic consumption.

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