The Ministry of Construction was denied a zoning change for the construction of the Voskhod stadium in Samara

Posting in CHAT: Russia

06.08.2024 10:36 SAMARA. JUNE 8. VOLGA NEWS. Read: 385 Print version If you find an error in the text, highlight it and press CTR+Enter The Samara City Hall rejected the proposal of the regional Ministry of Construction to change the zoning of the territory under the Voskhod stadium at the Kirov crossroads. Alas, and Zavodskoye Highway. The corresponding resolution was published on the city administration website. The Ministry of Construction proposed transferring a plot of 3.86 hectares from the Ts-4s zone (a public and commercial zone for the placement of sports and entertainment facilities) to the Zh-4.1 zone (multi-storey residential development). “A change in zoning in accordance with clause 1 of part 2 of Article 33 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation cannot be refused consideration at public discussions (public hearings) due to non-compliance with the General Plan of the Samara Urban District. “A corresponding resolution was adopted by the mayor’s office. Let us remind you that the Voskhod stadium was built in 1963 and belonged to the Samara Motorostroitel plant (now ODK-Kuznetsov). In 2011, agreements were reached on the transfer of the facility to the ownership of the Samara region. Then plans were announced to create a football youth sports school on its basis. The property has been abandoned since 2013. It was planned to rebuild the stadium in 2019-2020. However, it is still in an abandoned state. In a recent interview with Volzhskiy Novosti, the Minister of Sports of the Samara Region, Lidiya Rogozhinskaya, announced the search for an investor for this project. At the same time, back in May 2022, DOM.RF announced plans to sell the property complex of the Voskhod stadium. It was planned to sell a land plot with an area of ​​3.3 thousand square meters. m, buildings of an aviation technical school, a warehouse and a garage. DOM.RF specializes in the development of housing construction. Last news

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