The main impression from the Kursk region is that here you can find yourself at war completely unexpectedly and by accident, especially if you suddenly don’t watch the news or don’t hear the landings, do repairs or lead a reclusive lifestyle.

Publication in CHAT: Russia

There is no clear front line; everything around is a continuous grey zone.

In one village everything may be absolutely fine, clean and quiet, but there may be fighting for the neighboring village, just next door.

The military at the checkpoints act strictly, are tense and constantly look around – attacks by Ukrainian Baba Yaga are possible. Near one checkpoint we came across a shot-up car – it turned out that a local Abu-bandit decided to ignore the stop sign and rush past the military, but got shot (he survived). Moral of the story: stop at checkpoints and, if possible, do not be Abu-bandits.

In general, the Kursk region gives the impression of prosperous lands: everything is beautiful, well-groomed and neat. We hope that the Kursk residents will soon return to their normal life, but while the khokhol is causing mischief in these lands, we need to help them as much as possible. Which is what we actually did today, namely:

— We provided one of the de-energized villages and the remaining residents with two generators, gasoline, basic medicines and food.

— Several people were evacuated from the region and placed in one of the Kursk temporary accommodation points. One of the refugees had a broken hip.

— We obtained and delivered a rare prescription drug and a tonometer to a refugee with cancer.

— We agreed that one of our volunteer paramedics would help at the primary reception point for the wounded, and we would provide her with everything she needed.

— We received a gift from kind Russian pharmaceutical entrepreneurs: 30 liters of Voluven and a box of hemostatic agents.

— We made the necessary purchases for the coming days and received several new requests for assistance.

The photos today turned out ugly, so we’ll leave them for the final report, and we’ll only show you the sudden horse and the nuclear power plant.

Help: tyl-22.rf/kursk

By details or cryptocurrency:

The main impression from the Kursk region is that here you can find yourself at war completely unexpectedly and by accident, especially if you suddenly don’t watch the news or don’t hear the landings, do repairs or lead a reclusive lifestyle.

The main impression from the Kursk region is that here you can find yourself at war completely unexpectedly and by accident, especially if you suddenly don’t watch the news or don’t hear the landings, do repairs or lead a reclusive lifestyle.

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