The loan shark stole the camera, but the recording of the crime remained on the user’s computer

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Kladman planned to hide the “bookmark” on the 8th floor in the entrance of an apartment building on Leninsky Prospekt, according to the website Moscow prosecutor’s office. Coat (the pawnbroker, or miner) “works” for the drug mafia. His responsibilities include delivering the paid dose to the location desired by the customer and indicating the chosen hiding place. After completing the “work”, according to the rules “Inner order rules“, you need to take a photo to report on the completed task. This time, at the moment of photographing the “buried” place, the miner suddenly realized that not only he was filming, but also a video surveillance camera installed by the residents on the landing. To hide the traces of his crime, the moneylender managed to remove a camera worth 5.4 thousand rubles from the wall and stole it. The only thing that the attacker did not take into account was that the image from the camera was sent to the user’s computer and the recording was saved. It was this recording that became the starting point for the search and arrest of the loan shark, and now also the camera thief. During operational search activities, the identity of the attacker was established. Police officers searched his apartment. Evidence obtained during the search. Photo: At the same time, they found packages of the narcotic drug mephedrone, which he kept for subsequent illegal sale. The Cheryomushkinsky Interdistrict Prosecutor’s Office took upon itself the responsibility to bring the accused to justice for the theft of a video camera (clause “c” of Part 2 of Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and attempted illegal sale of narcotic drugs on a large scale. -scale (part 3 of article 30, paragraph “e” of part 4 of article 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) under control in the near future, the court with the participation of the prosecutor will consider the issue of choosing a preventive measure for the attacker.

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