The lethal composition of the drink and the analysis of the composition with a pharmacist and doctors – August 22, 2024 – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

There are many energy drinks for every taste and color in stores, but you shouldn’t abuse them Source: Polina Borodkina / NGS24.RU Stores are full of colorful jars, the contents of which promise vigor. Both adults and children drink energy drinks, knowing that they are harmful. NGS24.RU correspondent Polina Borodkina, together with a pharmacist and doctors, found out that the stomach or heart of those who like this “recharge” will be the first to fail, and why children risk being premature “Drug addiction is like a drug” Let’s start with the composition. At the request of NGS24.RU, Svetlana Saykova, associate professor, doctor of chemical sciences, professor of the Department of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry at the Siberian Federal University, analyzed the composition of one of the most popular energy drinks. .— The composition is what we should use to decide whether to buy it or not, — Svetlana Saykova notes, — the composition is written in descending order of the concentration of a particular component. That is, the most useful component comes first. in last place is what is the least. So, in first place in the composition of energy drinks – this is obvious, but right behind it is sugar, which, as you understand, is even too much. This means that these drinks contain quite a lot of sugar. in sugar. In particular, one of the most popular drinks contains 12 grams of sugar per 100 grams. “This is the same as putting five or even six spoons of sugar in a cup of tea,” said the doctor of chemical sciences. “High sugar content, in my opinion, is the main problem of energy drinks, as well as other carbonated drinks, after sugar comes dextrose, acidity and sodium citrate, – continues Svetlana Saykova. – Dextrose is also a simple carbohydrate. To reduce its amount, sugar, dextrose is added, – explains the professor. – Next come acidity regulators. They are added so that the drink is not too cloudy. Sodium citrate is a salt of citric acid, it is added to maintain the desired acidity. Drink. There is no harm from citric acid or sodium citrate. Taurine is in sixth place among energy drinks, followed immediately by flavorings and ginseng extract. 30 milligrams per 100 milliliters is normal, which is comparable to the daily dose, explains Svetlana. Saykova “And then comes the aroma. We are not told what flavoring is used, we can only hope that it is some kind of aldehyde (apple, cinnamon, strawberry) – an artificially synthesized chemical compound identical to the natural one. ” Flavorings and approved for use. Ginseng extract is a well-known psychostimulant, it is added for energy purposes, contains a lot of sugar, and this is very bad Source: Maltodextrin has a carbohydrate nature, but its content is small. Most likely, this is another additional sweetener to reduce sugar content. Next comes L-carnitine. This is also an amino acid, L stands for lymphatic, which is present in the human body. L-carnitine is widely used by athletes, for example, to increase endurance. Then there is L-tartrate, these are salts and tartaric acid, in small quantities, also a technical additive for a certain maintenance of the acidity level, – lists Svetlana Saykova. – But there are preservatives – potassium sorbate. A normal preservative. Without a preservative, with such an amount of sugar, this is basically impossible. If they were not there, then all sorts of pathogenic microorganisms would immediately appear. Therefore, preservatives are necessary, especially since the shelf life should be longer. Sorbates are compounds of sorbic acid. They are even found in rowan: it is known that rowan is stored for a long time and therefore does not spoil. These are substances identical to natural ones, which means we do not expect any particular problem from them. They are also often used together with benzoate, often in all food products. And so, at the end of the list of ingredients, we finally get to caffeine, which is responsible for vitality, after drinking an energy drink, they said that it increases blood pressure. , which means that it exhausts the nervous system. But the caffeine content varies from drink to drink. I looked at the data available for various drinks. There are drinks with 75 milligrams of caffeine, and there are drinks with a caffeine content of about 150 milligrams per can. Approximately such amounts are contained in various drinks: from a maximum of 100 per can to 250-300 milligrams of caffeine. This is basically equal to or even less than the amount of caffeine in one cup of coffee, says the doctor of chemical sciences. If you constantly drink drinks with a lot of sugar, health problems may begin, explains Svetlana Saykova. For example, this can lead to type 2 diabetes. She believes that it is the high sugar content that causes addiction to energy drinks. Therefore, if you drink energy drinks, it is better without sugar, advises the doctor of chemical sciences. Or better yet, just coffee, which has much more benefits. NGS24.RU previously talked about the benefits and harms of coffee, who can and cannot have it, why it should be drunk with special care by those who have problems. falls asleep or does not get enough sleep, why it is better to drink without milk, and then wash it down with water. We also wrote about sweeteners, do they really cause headaches and cancer. And what to do if you really want something sweet If you still can’t give up energy drinks, then give preference to sugar-free drinks Source: Polina Borodkina / NGS24.RU – The latest research shows that sugar acts as a drug addiction. That is, an addiction similar to drug addiction. Modern sugar substitutes are safe. This is confirmed by many studies that can be used. Thanks to them, we eliminate the main harmful substance – sugar, ”the professor explained. – There is no particular harm from energy drinks, because the caffeine content in them is comparable to a cup of coffee. However, there is no harm in this if you do not exceed the norm, which is different for everyone. There are many studies that show the beneficial effect of coffee on performance and mental abilities. However, some doctors are sure that drinking such drinks will not leave a trace on the body. Especially when it comes to the health of children. In world practice, there are cases when teenagers died after drinking energy drinks. From hypovitaminosis to bone destruction. According to cardiologist and neurologist Oleg Arkhipov, energy drinks have a great burden on the cardiovascular and nervous systems: they at least increase. heart rate and blood pressure and, at best, are addictive, as previously said by Associate Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry of the Siberian Federal University Svetlana Saykova, note that abuse Energy drinks have a stimulating effect on the nervous system. The level of mental abilities increases, the level of motor activity increases, the level of anxiety increases. In the future, the patient increasingly wants this impulse, this state of psychoactivity and increased energy, and because of this, a kind of addiction often arises,” the doctor explained. In the summer of 2024, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law banning the sale of soft drinks to minors from March 2025, including energy drinks. Violating this ban entails liability, which will later be established by law, so the list of people for whom energy drinks are contraindicated is “quite suggestible.” However, he continues, first of all, such drinks are not for children and adolescents, so it is not for nothing that energy drinks are labeled 18+; hypertensive patients; people with heart disease, including coronary heart disease; and people with increased psychoactivity. Energy drinks are strictly contraindicated for children and adolescents under 18. Source: Polina Borodkina / NGS24.RU — Because they exist. [людей с повышенной психоактивностью] and so the activity is off the charts. It is not advisable to do it even more,” the doctor noted. — As for children, these are hypovitaminosis, even sugar itself causes peak insulin levels, which lead to the development of osteoporosis. The calcium chain will decrease and lead to early bone destruction. In other cases, if you really want to, it is better not to drink more than one can a day, the cardiologist advises. Provided there are no other contraindications. The doctor also noted that this applies to both drinks with and without sugar. Because in both cases, Arkhipov continues, at least caffeine and taurine affect the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. In addition to the heart, energy drinks also have a strong effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. And diarrhea is not the worst thing that fun-lovers can face From diarrhea to ulcers According to gastroenterologist Anna Parshina, energy drinks pose a great threat to the stomach, intestines, liver and pancreas, increasing the secretion of gastric acid, which leads to an increase in the secretion of gastric acid. can irritate the gastric mucosa and cause a disease such as gastritis. Caffeine and other stimulants also increase intestinal peristalsis, which can lead to diarrhea. – Sugar and artificial sweeteners can disrupt the balance of intestinal microflora, which negatively affects digestion and the general condition of the gastrointestinal tract. Abuse of such drinks can lead to gastritis and ulcers, says the gastroenterologist. — And also obesity and diabetes due to the same large amount of sugar — Excess caffeine stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, promotes relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter, which provokes the development of gastroesophageal reflux (GERD). In this case, a person will feel constant bitterness in the mouth, heartburn, burning and discomfort in the chest, explained Anna Parshina. — Also, increased intestinal peristalsis and changes in microflora can cause chronic diarrhea. IBS also means irritable bowel syndrome and other functional disorders. In addition, sugar content provokes the development of metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes, “irritates” the stomach and can lead to gastritis Source: Polina Borodkina / NGS24.RU Anna Parshina recommends completely giving up energy drinks, provokes and worsens the course of such diseases. gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis, erosions, as well as gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, GERD, functional dyspepsia, IBS, exacerbation of acute and chronic pancreatitis, dysbacteriosis and dehydration and electrolyte disorders. , she explained the same opinion. According to them, the feeling of vigor after drinking an energy drink is deceptive. Three cans of energy drink = 15 cups of coffee. Nutritionist Irina Byvsheva recommends avoiding energy drinks. The reason is caffeine addiction. According to her, three cans of energy drink per hour are comparable to 15 cups of coffee. “In the process of life, we produce a molecule such as adenosine. It signals the body when it is time to rest. Caffeine blocks adenosine receptors because it has a structure similar to adenosine, which allows it to bind to its receptors. But it does not have any stimulating or suppressive effect on cells. It feels strong and increasing. This effect is described as receiving energy “reliably,” the nutritionist explained. – After the effect of caffeine wears off, the body, which has accumulated even more adenosine, which urgently occupies all receptors, feels strong strength and drowsiness. The effect of an energy drink is that it does not give additional energy, but forces the cells of our body to refuse it. Irina Byvsheva listed the consequences that can result from the abuse of energy drinks: headaches and migraines; narrowing of blood vessels due to the large amount of caffeine in the drink; increased heart contraction due to the same caffeine, which, according to the nutritionist, is three times more than in coffee; obesity due to excess sugar. Earlier, NGS24.RU, together with doctors, studied the benefits and harms of beer and found out whether it really contains vitamins.

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