The head of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science Valery Falkov and Vyacheslav Fedorishchev discussed the development of universities in the region.

Publication in CHAT: Russia

On Monday, September 2, the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Valery Falkov is in the Samara Region on a working visit. Together with the Acting Governor of the Samara Region Vyacheslav Fedorishchev, he visited Samara universities that are participants in the Priority 2030 strategic academic leadership program and on the basis of which advanced engineering schools have been created. The head of the department focuses on discussing promising areas for the development of higher education institutions and scientific organizations located in the region. In the Samara Region, the scientific potential is based on university, academic and industrial science, as well as scientific divisions of industrial organizations. In 2024, more than 104 thousand students are studying in 23 higher education institutions, including 12 state universities. Every year, more than 17 thousand specialists graduate from the region’s universities. At the same time, special attention is paid to the training of highly qualified personnel, the development of applied science and cooperation between universities and large companies. This approach allows not only to develop science, but also to implement advanced developments at enterprises, increasing labor productivity and product quality, which in turn contributes to the development of the region’s economy. The region’s higher education system is an active participant in all federal projects aimed at developing new approaches to teaching individuals and scientific activities. Within the framework of the federal project “Schools of Advanced Engineering”, two higher engineering schools have been created in Samara. We are working on creating an advanced engineering school “HybridTech” at Togliatti State University. The activities of the Higher Medical Engineering School of Samara State Medical University are aimed at creating export-oriented products in the field of medical technology. A special role of the school is to train highly qualified personnel capable of quickly solving applied problems of increased complexity by mastering the specifics of developing bionic, biotechnological and neural network systems. For this purpose, the development of competencies at the junction of technical and medical sciences has been organized. The head of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Valery Falkov, visited the Serial Production Center of the Samara State Medical University, where he got acquainted with the import-substituting production of medical products. The university has brought more than 40 products to the market – these are solutions for medical navigation, rehabilitation, telemedicine, educational developments for specialized universities and colleges, and much more. The minister was presented with the first home surgical navigation system AUTOPLAN, a line of innovative Revi simulators for rehabilitation, which are already used by 10 thousand patients, a modular educational system with VR technologies “MEVIS”, custom-made endoprostheses. taking into account the anatomical features of patients and are successfully used in leading medical centers and other university developments. Serial production was launched in November 2022 in the Preobrazhenka Industrial Park. The total area of ​​the buildings is about 3,000 square meters. m, by the end of the year it will more than double – up to 7,000 sq. m The head of the Ministry of Education and Science and the head of the region visited Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev. The activities of its High-Cost Aerospace Engineering School “Integrated Technologies in the Creation of Aerospace Equipment” (HIAESE) cover such areas as aviation and rocket and space technology, engine building, artificial intelligence and digital technologies, advanced manufacturing technologies, and take into account the requests of major industrial partners – PSC Progress, JSC UEC, PJSC UEC-Kuznetsov, JSC Aviakor-Aviation Plant. Breakthrough developments of HIAESE include small spacecraft for remote sensing of the Earth, small gas turbine engines and power plants, regional passenger aircraft and UAVs. “Each school for each advanced engineering school was created for this purpose, the first – to find a real industrial partner and solve its real engineering problems,” the minister noted. Valery Falkov and Vyacheslav Fedorishchev got acquainted with the work of the cyber-physical plant for the production of small gas turbine engines and interactive complexes for advanced training of PIAS engineers. They discussed the organization of research and production associations at universities, the participation of enterprises and universities of the Samara Region in the new national project “New Materials and Chemistry” and its separate federal subprogram “Advanced Science-Intensive Technologies. Advanced Training of Specialists” personnel”. “We are currently collecting proposals from companies and universities for a set of activities for this project. Keep your finger on the pulse so that you can participate in this project over the next six years,” said Valery Falkov. The head of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation got acquainted with the site for agricultural testing of coal. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation launched a pilot project to create carbon testing sites in the country in 2021 to monitor the flows of major greenhouse gases, develop technological solutions and train highly qualified personnel. Samara University specialists are interested in agricultural testing becoming part of a joint project between Russia and the BRICS countries. “We will consider this. Every year, new landfills appear in our society. We have been doing this for the fourth year in a row, I think this is important. These are not just carbon deposits in different ecosystems. This is everything that is connected. With a completely different agriculture, this area has great potential in terms of reducing the carbon footprint,” the head of the department emphasized. Also at the location of Samara University. Korolev held a meeting with students and faculty, where their initiatives were presented. The head of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation congratulated the participants on the Knowledge Day of the new academic year: “Without a doubt, this is a region of rapid scientific and technological development. This is how we look at and see the Samara Region. It is important that there are strong universities everywhere. But here, a special role has always been played by research teams located in research institutes, universities and students, a unique industry for the largest companies. On the other hand, it is difficult to imagine the harmonious socio-economic development of such powerful support for student youth without the energy of the youth that is here in Samara and in all the cities located in the region,” the head of the Samara Region noted. : all educational programs initiated by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Government of Russia are implemented in the region at a very high level. “This is not the limit. It is very important for us to develop. We would like to become an even greater assistant to the Government of the Russian Federation, your ministry in the implementation of pilot projects. We also have our own proposals, which we will vote on today. I want you to know: Samara Region “This is a strong region, a region of universities, a region of great science,” Vyacheslav Fedorishchev addressed Valery Falkov. The Chairman of the Samara Regional Duma, the Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Universities of the Samara Region Gennady Kotelnikov added: “The head of the region came up with an initiative to create a special regional program dedicated to supporting scientific and pedagogical personnel – “Doctor of Sciences”. “I am confident that our meeting today will give a new impetus to the further development of science and higher education.” One of the questions asked at the meeting by a representative of the Samara Technical University concerned the creation of a new university public space. According to him, members of the student city club have prepared their proposals on this topic. The head of the region Vyacheslav Fedorishchev proposed, taking into account the ideas for the development of the university environment, which will be formed by a group of proactive students and teachers together with the center of urban development competencies under the regional government, to draw up a master plan in order to begin improving all universities, starting next year. The minister was also asked about a pilot project for the transition to a new system of higher education. According to Valery Falkov, the president set the task of transforming the higher education model taking into account the best experience of the Soviet era and recent years. Six universities are currently participating in the pilot project. It is not only about creating basic and specialized levels of education. Particular attention is paid to the fundamental component. This core, according to the minister, should be monolithic, the same throughout the country. After the first one and a half to two and a half years of study, students should have the opportunity to choose an individual trajectory to ultimately acquire a unique set of competencies. Quality practice should be a supplement. “We are not talking about adding hours, but about their competent organization. These should be advanced settings, practice of a mentor from the company. Including serious methodological issues that should be properly organized.” – emphasized Valery Falkov. Also, according to the head of the department, the issue cannot be resolved by changing educational programs alone. “The cost reimbursement system, material and technical base, equipment of classrooms, production facilities – all together – this is another model of higher education,” he explained. Samara University has an automobile museum with 200 exhibits, of which 18 are unique. At the meeting, it was proposed to expand the project both in area and in the scope of work. According to Valery Falkov, the museum is an important element of the educational process, and it is necessary that history be combined with advanced developments, so that students and schoolchildren have the opportunity to implement their ideas. As the minister noted, the project support will be targeted. “I am a member of the supervisory board of the Russian Science Foundation. This is one of the development institutes that were created specifically to help researchers with a grant. Now a new program has been approved, and one of the competitions is the competition for Support of Museums. Soon, you should participate in the instruments of state support,” the head of the Ministry of Education and Science added. Also, at the site of Samara University, Korolev was presented with a project of an inter-university campus: an educational and laboratory building of 4 buildings and a hotel building of 14 buildings from 8 to 23 floors. “Our task, since we are creating a real inter-university campus, is to expand it,” the head of the region said. Vyacheslav Fedorishchev “How an industrial park will be created next to the territory of the educational campus. The second is integration into the urban environment, a program with the “Sber School 21″ – this will allow us to fill the campus with educational opportunities. And the third stage is development.”

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