The Governor of Voronezh expressed condolences over the tragedy in Sevastopol

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Governor of the Voronezh region Alexander Gusev expressed condolences in connection with the deaths of people during the rocket attack on Sevastopol. The tragedy occurred on Sunday, June 23. When repelling the attack, four missiles were intercepted by air defense forces on duty. The explosion of the fragmentation head of the fifth missile in the air caused numerous casualties among the civilian population of Sevastopol. At the moment, it is known that five people have died, including children, and more than 120 have been injured. Alexander Gusev published condolences on his telegram channel “Voronezh region mourns together with Sevastopol. On behalf of all residents of our region, I express my condolences to the residents of Sevastopol. There are no words that can describe the bitterness of loss and console those who have lost loved ones. We will remember all those who died on the Sevastopol beach And we will never forget the terrorist essence of the Kyiv regime, as well as its foreign masters who carried out flight missions on their rockets, speedy recovery and recovery. strength and resilience to the rescue services, doctors and security forces of the hero city,” wrote Alexander Gusev. Earlier, the Russian Ministry of Defense stated that responsibility for the deliberate missile attack on civilians in Sevastopol lies primarily with Washington. Ukraine, as well as the Kyiv regime, from whose territory this blow was launched. The department emphasized that such actions will not go unanswered. Read more in the material of RIA Voronezh. Did you notice the error? Select it with the mouse and press Ctrl+Enter.

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