The Governor of Voronezh congratulated the Belarusian people on the Independence Day of the Republic

Publication in CHAT: Russia

The Governor of the Voronezh Region congratulated the residents of Belarus on the Independence Day of the Republic. Alexander Gusev wrote warm wishes on his Telegram channel on Wednesday, July 3. – Today is a big holiday for our neighbors – the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus. Exactly 80 years ago, Minsk was liberated from the fascist occupation. On my own behalf and on behalf of all Voronezh residents, I congratulate the brotherly Belarusian people on this holiday! – wrote the head of the region. The Governor recalled that the Voronezh Region knows firsthand about the horrors of occupation. Residents of the region will always remember the tragic pages of our common history and will not allow anyone to rewrite it – Our common memory and culture, economic cooperation and a sense of unity are the key to a wonderful common future. Happy holiday, Belarus! – summarized Alexander Gusev Last week, Governor Alexander Gusev was on a working visit to the Republic of Belarus. On Thursday and Friday, June 27 and 28, the XI Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia was held in Vitebsk. During the first day, an agreement was signed on establishing friendly relations between the administrations of Voronezh and the Frunzensky District of Minsk. The document will be aimed at the joint development of tourism, entrepreneurship, cultural and educational processes. On the second day, at a meeting of the Chairperson of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Natalia Kochanova and the Chairperson of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matviyenko with the heads of the regions of the two countries, an agreement on cooperation was signed between the government of the Voronezh Region and the company “Belinzheneringstroyinvest”. The cooperation involves the construction of a kindergarten in Ramon, as well as the “Belarusian Village”. Details are in the RIA Voronezh material. Did you notice an error? Select it with your mouse and press Ctrl + Enter.

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