The Governor of the Samara Region held a functional meeting of the regional government

Publication in CHAT: Russia

On Monday, September 16, Samara Region Governor Vyacheslav Fedorishchev held a functional meeting of the regional government in an open format. The agenda included current pressing issues, including the prevention of seasonal viral infections, COVID-19 and community-acquired pneumonia, as well as citizens’ appeals. The meeting began with personal changes – the head of the Togliatti urban district Nikolao Renz voluntarily resigned. The head of the region thanked the head of Avtograd for his many years of service and presented him with the Honorary Medal of the Governor of the Samara Region “For Services to the People”. Vyacheslav Fedorishchev also introduced Marina Sidukhina to those present as a senator from the Samara Region in the Federation Council. “We discussed with Marina Gennadyevna a large block of issues that require legislative support, I know that many ideas are reflected in specific projects that will be implemented for the benefit of the Samara Region,” the governor noted. Speaking about the development trajectory of the relevant departments of the regional government and subordinate institutions, the head of the region expressed confidence that the new Government will be formed within a month. Before discussing the issues on the agenda of the operational meeting, the head of the region first of all drew attention to the situation in the Volgarsky microdistrict from the point of view of the environmental situation. Vyacheslav Fedorishchev focused on numerous requests from residents coming from various sources. Thus, according to the regional Center for Regional Management, the topic of environmental damage was among the TOP-5 requests. “We analyzed the dynamics of receiving messages from June to August in this area. In the first half of September, residents signaled the problem 140 times,” commented the acting head of the regional Administrative Center Dina Cheremushkina. As the head of the Samara urban district Elena Lapushkina said, in fact, the maximum permissible concentration of harmful substances in the air was exceeded in the microdistrict. According to her, this problem has existed for a long time and occurs regularly in late summer – early autumn after technological work at enterprises. “Such excesses are unacceptable,” said the head of the region. Vyacheslav Fedorishchev instructed to form a working group to conduct inspections and solve this problem. It will be headed by Acting Prime Minister Mikhail Smirnov. “There is a problem, everyone knows about it, so that everyone clearly understands what the problem is and begins to solve it,” the head of the region concluded. One of the pressing issues of the meeting was the seasonal increase in the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections, COVID-19 and community-acquired pneumonia. “The situation is already causing serious concern – this is people’s health, the risks are associated not only with temporary loss of working capacity, but also with serious complications for the body,” the head of the Samara region emphasized. Head of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing in the Samara Region Svetlana Arkhipova, reporting on the current situation, noted that over the past week, more than 16 thousand cases of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza were registered. COVID-19 has been recorded in the region, which is 51% more than the previous week. In addition, the first cases of flu were registered in early August. According to Armen Benyan, Acting Minister of Health of the Samara Region, 2,904 patients with COVID-19 are being treated in the region, including 85 patients in 24-hour hospitals. Speaking about preventive measures, Svetlana Arkhipova noted the observance of basic rules. “Using antiseptics to treat hands and devices is very important, because they are constantly in our hands. Ensure regular ventilation of your home and workplace. If you feel unwell, do not self-medicate, consult a doctor,” the head of the department reminded. Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing in the Samara Region. Vaccination of the population is an effective measure to prevent the disease. According to the head of the regional Ministry of Health, 477.4 thousand doses of the flu vaccine have been received in the region so far, 340 thousand people have already been vaccinated. Vaccination against the new coronavirus infection is also ongoing: more than 30 thousand residents of Samara have been vaccinated. Vaccinations are carried out by 77 mobile teams in 51 medical organizations. Armen Benyan emphasized: an interactive map of vaccination points is posted on the website of the regional administration, with the help of which residents of the region can find out the address and work schedule. One of the priority tasks in the work of the regional government is to solve the problems of residents. During the meeting and … O. The head of the regional administrative center Dina Cheremushkina noted the TOP-5 issues that concern citizens. Among them are road repairs, complaints about violations of the garbage collection schedule, public transport operation, emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and the quality of cleaning of territories. Also, the most pressing issues in the feedback platform remain the registration of electronic medical documents, making an appointment with a doctor, authorization of parents in the Electronic Diary system. The final part of the meeting was devoted to the analysis of received citizens’ appeals and discussion of the decisions made. One of them, in particular, concerned an increase in the number of buses on route 75, as well as its expansion. Mayor Elena Lapushkina informed Vyacheslav Fedorishchev that the route will be extended from October 1 this year: it will pass along Krasnye Kommunary, Promyshlennost, and Moris Torez streets. The number of buses will also be increased. Vyacheslav Fedorishchev instructed the head of the Samara urban district to inform the authors of the requests about the change in the route. Residents of houses No. 13, 15, and 17 on Gagarin Street in the regional center complained about the condition of the courtyard, where improvement work had begun: they removed the asphalt on the sidewalks and removed the curbs. However, the work stopped two days later, and no one returned to it for a month and a half. “The courtyard has been dug up and poses a danger to residents,” the appeal emphasizes. The head of Samara explained: there were meetings with residents who expressed disagreement with the parking spaces included in the design project. Work on the site has now resumed. The improvement of the territory is planned to be completed by October 31. The governor ordered that the matter be monitored. Residents of Novokuibyshevsk approached the head of the region with a question about repairing the road along Khimikov Street. The road leads to industrial enterprises and is in poor condition. According to the acting head of Novokuibyshevsk, Vitaly Rumyantsev, it is currently planned to allocate funds for repairing the most important section of the road, and in 2025 the remaining sections will be repaired. Vyacheslav Fedorishchev instructed that the amount for repairing this road be taken into account when considering amendments to the budget of the Samara Region.

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