The Good of the North Foundation has announced a competition for employees of museums in Arkhangelsk and Murmansk

Posting in CHAT: Russia


The competition will be held for the first time. Project teams from museums in the Arkhangelsk and Murmansk regions will be able to take part in it. The regions were selected by the expert council of the “Museums of the Russian North” program, implemented with the support of the Severstal company and the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives. Applications for participation in the competition are accepted from November 17 to December 10, 2023 through your personal account on the website of the Museums of the Russian North. The winners of the competition will be invited to design laboratories, where they will be able to increase their level of competence in the field of museum tourism projects for teenagers and young people and receive support from mentors and experts to implement their ideas. The competition regulations can be found on the program website. The organizer of the competition is the “Kindness of the North” Charitable Foundation. The project partners are the Arkhangelsk Museum of Local Lore, the Murmansk Regional Museum of Local Lore and the Fun&Sun company. The program operator is the Fund for Support of Scientific, Educational and Cultural Initiatives “Trajectory” with the participation of the project team of the Center for Social Innovation Management “GrantRafting”.


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