The girl spoke about the disadvantages of living with huge breasts – Russia today

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Brazilian model Sabrina Boeing-Boing underwent plastic surgery for breast augmentation and spoke about the problems that arose in connection with this. From a young age, the woman admired the figure of the American actress Pamela Anderson and wanted to be like her. She has undergone five plastic surgeries for breast augmentation and liposuction. “I also tightened the skin in the liposuction area and got rid of cellulite,” she says. For all the procedures, Boeing-Boeing paid a large sum – only the breast surgery cost her 100 thousand Brazilian reais (1.8 million rubles). The last breast augmentation operation lasted seven hours. The model was pleased with the result and said that her breast implants are now one of the largest in the world. However, it was not without negative consequences. Boeing-Boing complained that now she could not fold her arms, let alone clap. Despite this, she does not regret her decision and enjoys her appearance.

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