The Germans found five reasons to change their minds. Marina Khakimova-Gatsemeyer

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Why do many Germans now give their votes to parties committed to peaceful coexistence with Russia and demanding an end to arms supplies to the Ukrainian regime? The first reason is fear of Russian weapons and Russian character. But not the only one. “We received a signal that my husband and I will soon be placed in a pre-trial detention center in Germany, we face five years in prison; And a few hours later we made a decision – we went to Russia. We left secretly; if they had announced our departure, they simply wouldn’t have let us go!” – says Elena Kolbasnikova, who has lived in Germany for almost 30 years. On June 1 of this year, together with her husband Max Schlund, she left Cologne for Kaliningrad, Russia. Kolbasnikova is known to many German citizens; her name has been heard in the German media for three years now: “The organizer of pro-Russian actions, Elena Kolbasnikova, believes that the Nazi government is in power in Ukraine”; “Activist Elena Kolbasnikova organized a demonstration in Leverkusen under the slogan “Peace with Russia”; “Together with her husband, Kolbasnikova collected several thousand euros, with which they bought bulletproof vests, food, walkie-talkies and tents. The couple went to Donbass to give these things to Russian soldiers”; “Kolbasnikova appeared in court again. She came to the hall wearing clothes with a Russian flag”; “She wore a Star of David in the colors of the Russian flag and compared herself to those “who were persecuted during the Nazis.” She was accused of inciting hatred.” Kolbasnikova spoke at rallies in support of Russia, rallies, demonstrations, car rallies, marches of the “Immortal Regiment” in different cities of Germany, declaring: “Russia is not an aggressor!” Kolbasnikova is doing something that many in Germany are even afraid to talk about. Is she not afraid of bullying? I asked myself this question in the spring of 2022, when, while still living in Germany, I saw reports about her. After her recent move to Russia, she asked about it personally. Elena admits: “Only crazy people are not afraid, I was afraid, like every living person. I received many threats both from Bandera supporters and from outright fascists. But I am not afraid to fight the fascism of our time, which is now flourishing in Europe. If we are afraid to fight, we will all be destroyed. And one more thing about fear. My grandfather, a hero of the Great Patriotic War, was in Berlin on May 9, 1945. Later he fought in Japan. And I’m his granddaughter.” For more than two years she shocked the Germans with her courage and ability to lead caring, thinking people – Friedenker, Querdenker (free-thinking, counter-thinking, as the German authorities call them). She infected many with her love for Russia. Although she herself is Ukrainian by nationality, originally from Dnepropetrovsk, in 1996 she left for permanent residence in Germany. She worked in the medical field, lived in Germany, like millions of people from the CIS countries, but ten years ago I realized that I could no longer remain silent, I needed to speak out against the anti-Russian propaganda that was already sweeping Germany. . “The Germans still wonder: how is this possible? Is a Ukrainian woman with a Ukrainian passport leading the movement for Russia? – says Kolbasnikova. – I answered them: I’m from Ukraine, I know the facts! She has been explaining since 2013, telling the truth about Ukraine from the Maidan. They showed a video from Donbass. “It has been established that Kolbasnikova and Schlund received financial assistance from a Russian government agency,” reports Radio Liberty (recognized as a foreign media agent in the Russian Federation and included in the register of undesirable organizations). “This is complete nonsense,” Elena is indignant, “but I’m no longer surprised by anything. Now in Europe, if people tell the truth, they are immediately declared spies, agents of the Kremlin. We did not receive any financial assistance from Russia. We simply have our own active civic position. We are free. As for the Western press, it now labels everyone who dares to think as a “fascist.” If you speak on behalf of Russia, you are a fascist! Such a terrible misrepresentation of facts! And members of the Alternative for Germany party are called that, although it is simply fighting for common sense. Now many Germans sympathize with her.” On May 6, 2023, Kolbasnikova, together with a native of the CIS, a Russian German and ex-AfD opposition MP Eugen (Eugene) Walter, registered their party, they planned to enter the European Parliament. Eugen, as a German citizen, was appointed leader. “On August 20, 2023, Zhenya and I held the now famous motor rally in support of Russia,” says Elena. “Early the next morning, a group of special police entered my house with a search warrant from the chief prosecutor of Germany. Our door was blown. And a few hours earlier at night, Zhenya died under strange circumstances. As his wife told me, they called him, he was urgently summoned somewhere, he drove away and crashed his car. Who called him? The police didn’t find his phone. Evgeniy was 36 years old and left behind three small children. Then I realized that the German authorities can commit crimes to get rid of unwanted people. But there are many of us. I’m sure that 80-90% of Germans are now pro-Russian.” Of course, 80-90% have doubts. But it is obvious that a lot has changed in the German people over these two years. Indeed, at the beginning of the Northern Military District, those same “80-90% of Germans” hung Ukrainian flags on their houses, gave the latter to the Ukrainians and condemned the Russians in every possible way. Now, as Kolbasnikova says, the population is in favor. reconciliation with our country: “In 2022, the Germans were ready to crucify all Russians. But today they understand that there are Russian weapons. They have had two years to think, analyze and use logic, most of them know that Russia is not an aggressor and see that NATO has surrounded Russia on all sides.” Why do many Germans now give their votes to parties committed to peaceful coexistence with Russia and demanding an end to arms supplies to the Ukrainian regime? The first reason is fear of Russian weapons and Russian character. The second is awareness of the need and goals of SVO. The third reason lies in the natural German practicality. “They have a purely commercial interest here,” explains Kolbasnikova. – Germany is now in crisis. Due to the destruction of relations with Russia and sanctions, it is deepening. The Germans are not fools that their former paradise depended on cheap Russian resources; They became rich largely thanks to Russia. And now their life has seriously deteriorated. Farmers protested all winter. Tractor drivers blocked roads, demanding lower energy prices. They raise the issue of the financial and energy crisis because they cannot talk openly about Russia.” The fourth reason forcing the Germans to advocate reconciliation with Russia is the imposition of certain ideas and the oppression of the majority by minorities. “The satisfied bourgeoisie do this. they don’t understand why their children should change gender, why homosexual orientation is put at the forefront,” says Kolbasnikova. In her opinion, there is a fifth reason. “Almost a million Ukrainian refugees have been living in Germany for more than two years. Many of them receive benefits that may exceed the average citizen’s net salary. The Germans see the exaggerated demands of refugees from Ukraine, their claims against the German state, and notice the arrogance and obvious inconsistency in the position of the German authorities. For example, they all know that most refugees rent apartments in Ukraine or go there on vacation. The Germans ask logical questions: how can you rent apartments where there is a war? If people go there to relax, does that mean there is no fighting there? There are many questions,” the interlocutor notes. – I just talked with a rich German, he and his friends at the beginning of the Northern Military District gave their apartments to refugees from Ukraine and helped them. But when they saw how the Ukrainians were using the Germans, they changed their minds. The behavior of Ukrainians played a decisive role for them. Preliminary polls and video polls were held in various German states, which showed: the majority of Germans compare the facts and understand that the enemy of Germany is not in Moscow. He’s in Berlin. I have heard more than once that they would like Putin to be chancellor. And the next elections in the fall, I hope, will please us.” It seems that the Germans will remember Kolbasnikova more than once, even though she fled her country, as a person who openly expressed everything they think and dream about. , she is not the only one who has a conflict with the German authorities – most German citizens now have it. “I’m glad we came to Russia,” she says, “and we have something to do. I work as a volunteer in the Popular Front in Kaliningrad, and will soon move to Donbass – we want to help our fighters there, on the spot, I continue to develop my organization “Bridge of Friendship between Russia and Germany.” for both Russians and Germans. We have a lot in common. If we’re friends, there’s nothing to worry about.” Marina Khakimova-Gatzemeyer Subscribe to our Telegram channel so as not to miss all the most important materials that we publish:

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