The EU plans to increase customs duties on grain from the Russian Federation – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The European Commission (EC) proposes to increase customs duties on imports of Russian and Belarusian grain into the European Union (EU). This was stated by EU President Ursula von der Leyen at a press conference in Brussels after the first day of the EU summit, one of the main topics of which was support for Ukraine. – There were enough reasons for such a proposal. This will not allow Russian grain to destabilize European markets,” the official noted. According to her, this could stop the income that the Russian Federation receives from agricultural products. The EC President also added that the events in Ukraine impose new obligations on the European Union. “.., RBC reports. The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova did not ignore this statement. She reproached von der Leyen for hypocrisy and deliberately creating a food crisis in the world. “Is she that concerned about starving countries?” How will such measures contribute to global food security? “No, they will only worsen the food situation in the world, which has already been brought to the point of absurdity by the West,” Zakharova wrote in her Telegram channel. On the eve of the Baltic countries, Poland and the Czech Republic called on the EC to ban the import of grain from the Russian Federation to the EU. The head of the Lithuanian Ministry of Agriculture, Kestutis Navickas, said that using income from the sale of agricultural products, Russia finances a special operation in the EU, Ukraine, and also puts pressure on the EU internal market with these supplies, competing with products European countries. The Financial Times newspaper, citing sources, reported on March 19 that in the coming days the European Union will introduce taxes on grain from Russia and Belarus. According to the publication’s source, such a decision will lead to an increase in prices by at least 50 percent. Russian President Vladimir Putin on March 5 supported the initiative to create a grain exchange within the BRICS framework and noted that exchange speculation has an impact. prices and this affects consumers.

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