The EU demanded the abolition of the visa-free regime with Georgia – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Estonia, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and Sweden call on the European Union to consider introducing sanctions against Georgia in connection with the adopted law on foreign agents. The Financial Times writes about this. It is also proposed to suspend the visa-free regime for Georgian citizens, which has been in effect since 2017, introduce targeted sanctions against individuals, and freeze funds for the republic from the EU fund. Diplomats, according to the FT, are considering “various measures of pressure” on the Georgian government and plan to discuss the issue at a meeting of EU foreign ministers next week. Meanwhile, the United States has prepared a bill according to which Georgia is offered economic and military assistance, “ideal for protection against Russian aggression,” in exchange for abandoning “anti-democratic steps” and hostile rhetoric against the West. Let us remind you that the Georgian parliament adopted a bill on foreign agents, but the country’s president vetoed it.

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