The east of Primorye was flooded by heavy rains in November (VIDEO)

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The warning about heavy rains in the east of Primorye was confirmed. From November 16 to 18, 121 mm of precipitation fell in Terney, while the monthly norm is 44 mm. Local residents filmed their flooded yards, reminiscent of the August typhoons, except in very cold weather. Precipitation amounted to 82 mm at Cape Sosunov (the village of Svetlaya) in the Terneysky district, in Dalnegorsk – 60 mm, and in Molodezhny in the Krasnoarmeysky district – 50 mm. In Vladivostok, 16 mm fell, with a monthly norm of 36 mm. Forecasters predict continued heavy precipitation in the northeast of the region today (rain, snow). In the rest of the territory, precipitation will stop.

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