The demolition of a famous cafe was filmed in Voronezh • Russia today

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In the Kominternovsky district of Voronezh on Friday, December 22, the demolition of the Venetsianskoye cafe (Vladimir Nevsky Street, 31/1), recognized as an unauthorized capital construction, took place. The owner of the establishment did not comply with the court decision to demolish the cafe voluntarily, after which the city administration took over the demolition of Venice. Based on the results of the offer, a contractor was selected. The press service of the mayor’s office published a video about the work. Under the terms of the contract, the contractor must not only demolish the building itself, but also clear the site of construction debris. The work should be completed by the end of the year. RIA Voronezh reports that the initial price of the contract for the demolition of the Venice cafe was 1 million 243.2 thousand rubles. The volume of the entire structure was 2.2 thousand cubic meters. m. Work on dismantling the capital’s unauthorized buildings is under the control of the regional commission, created by decision of Governor Alexander Gusev. Its activities are coordinated by Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Voronezh Region Konstantin Kuznetsov. Did you notice the error? Select it with the mouse and press Ctrl+Enter.

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