The court arrested a Moscow teacher who seduced his student • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

A court has arrested a teacher accused of seducing his own student. Yulia Ivanova, senior assistant to the head of the Chief Investigative Director of the Investigative Committee for Moscow, reported this to “Evening Moscow” on Wednesday, January 17. “Investigators from the capital’s Investigative Committee continue to carry out investigative and procedural actions,” she said. According to the investigation, between November 2023 and January 2024, a 27-year-old man committed indecent acts against a 13-year-old girl through correspondence in the messenger. The student’s mother found out about what happened and contacted the police. In mid-December, a bill was introduced to the State Duma prohibiting those convicted of a crime against sexual integrity and sexual freedom of a minor from attending educational organizations. Recently, the court arrested a pederast, the attacker attacked a 13-year-old girl near the Bolshoi Losinoostrovsky Pond and mocked her.

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