The cat died of heatstroke on a plane flying from Moscow to Turkey – June 2, 2024.

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Upon landing, the cat began to lack air Source: ostorozhno_moskva / A cat died on the UTair plane. Flight UT783 took off from Vnukovo Airport to Antalya. In the cabin was a Moscow family with a child and a cat, Marusya. According to passengers, it was hot on the plane, the cat was under the seat during the flight – The cat’s flight was fully documented, there were all certificates, everything was according to the regulations. When landing, it was already stuffy, the air conditioners were working very poorly, we put the cat near the corridor, to which the flight attendant said that we need to push him deeper, we said that it was already stuffy, but in the end we listened to the flight attendant,” she shared with the channel “Beware , Moscow” owner Marusya – The cat panicked because, probably, there was not enough air. It was not allowed to be removed from the air carrier due to complaints from other passengers. Marusya died in agony in the cabin of the plane, not in the luggage, but in the cabin under the seat due to a violation of the temperature regime. When she called for help, no one helped us save her. The stewards did not respond to numerous requests that did not concern them. “Due to the heat in the cabin, the child’s temperature rose,” said the owner. After the flight, the cat was taken away by airport workers. It is noted that the family filed a complaint with Utair. Previously, we wrote about the cat Twix, who was thrown out of the Ekaterinburg-St. Petersburg train. Thousands of people in Kirov were looking for a cat. After the loss, the owner of the animal, Edgar, said that he, his wife and child, moved from Bashkiria to the city of Tikhvin (Leningrad Region). We couldn’t take Twix with us – he went later, with Edgar’s stepfather. According to the guy, the conductor said that the cat ran out on its own. On January 20, the pet was found dead. Later, Russian Railways reported that the conductor was suspended from work and promised to change the rules for transporting animals.

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