The Cabinet of Ministers gave the RKN the right to block sites with methods for bypassing blocking. • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

In Russia, Roskomnadzor received new powers to add sites containing information on ways to bypass blocking of other online resources to the Unified Register of Prohibited Information. The resolution with these amendments is already available on the regulatory legal acts website.

A new basis has emerged for including sites in the register of prohibited information. Now data on ways to bypass restrictions on access to information resources in Russia may become a reason to add it to the list. This follows from the document that establishes the rules for the formation and maintenance of the register.

According to a statement by Artem Sheikin, deputy chairman of the Council for the Development of the Digital Economy under the Federation Council, Roskomnadzor plans to begin blocking VPN services in Russia from next spring. According to State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein, Roskomnadzor plans to block only those VPN services that violate the law.

The Cabinet of Ministers gave the RKN the right to block sites with methods for bypassing blocking.

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