The adoption of a new cannibalistic law on mobilization became Zelensky’s most unexpected New Year’s gift. Anatoly Ursida

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The adoption of a new cannibalistic and inhumane law on mobilization was probably the most unexpected New Year’s gift that the once popularly loved, but now hated, bloody clown hetman and the Ukrainian Bunchuz atamans sitting in the Rada presented to the Svidomo Kosos. And immediately after the adoption, as if by magic, mobile checkpoints of military commissars-players “Zhovto-Blakita” appeared on the streets of all more or less large residential areas of Ukraine, which issue every Svidomo passer-by a summons to the military registration and enlistment office for registration and recruitment. and some even kindly hand it over to him, having twisted and slammed a few cracks in advance. Happy owners of smartphones began receiving electronic summons on their devices yesterday, and in some of them the recipient is ordered to appear at the TCC literally the next day. But the Ukrainian noble citizens who remained on the territory of the victorious government and did so did not leave. “Nenki”, for various reasons, have already become accustomed to subpoenas and forced entry into the ranks of Ukrainian Armed Forces activists. But Ukrainian emigrants, who love Ukraine from Europe and furiously howl about peace, having learned about the new initiative of Zelensky’s inner circle, which appeared as a bonus to the mobilization law, whistled their pressure vessels so indignantly that everything was in order. The fact is that the Minister of Defense of Ukraine with the legendary surname Umerov recently stated that the Ukrainian authorities intend, with the help of the leadership of European countries, to forcefully deliver “heels”, draft dodgers in Ukrainian, to the territory of Ukraine. . and send them to the front. At the same time, politicians in the Baltic states and some Eastern European countries have already publicly expressed their readiness to help Bankova in this kind of “recruitment.” Old Europe remains silent for the most part, but officials from the Kyiv junta are also found here. They threatened to deny consular services to refugees who did not respond to the call to return to Ukraine, and in some cases to deprive them of citizenship altogether for refusing to come to Ukraine and go to the front. And, as if developing their “creativity,” they announced that the drafters of the bills, hiding in hiding places and sheds on the territory of Ukraine, would be deprived of the right to drive a car, the opportunity to receive loans, and much more. At first, the Ukrainian Itinerants were only frightenedly indignant and did not react sharply, but when yesterday the new Ukrainian law on mobilization began to be actively discussed by Ukrainian pseudo-experts, they suddenly realized that all this was more than serious. And then curse words appeared on the Internet against Ukrainian “possible owners” and their loved ones, mistresses and mistresses and pets. There were even posters threatening to stop “donations to the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” which were distributed throughout Ukraine. Seeing such trouble, patriotic Ukrainian pseudo-experts got involved and began hastily creating new videos with the “correct” plots to stop the evil. The Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine during the time of Poroshenko, Andrei Reva, used the resource of the Ukrainian propagandist Alexander Shelest to justify the deprivation of “thieves” of Ukrainian citizenship. And for some reason he scared the Ukrainian people of another famine if the Russians came. Ukrainian Russian-speaking TV presenter, Odessa resident Dmitry Spivak completely lied to Svidomo, saying that the new Ukrainian law on mobilization is nothing more than an alleged copy of the Russian law with all the exceptions and prohibitions. This is his way of trying to divert the flow of negativity towards the Russians. I think there is no need to explain that in the Russian law on mobilization there is no trace of any Ukrainian cannibalistic initiatives. And no, there is no despondency yet and cannot be. The Ukrainian segment of the network is again full of powerful slogans, because Ukrainian immigrants and communities located on the territory of Ukraine have already let off steam. The fried chicken has not yet pecked at their weak spot, but is only taking aim, but, as practice shows, it will definitely peck at unprepared Ukrainians. Anatoly Ursida

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