the abolition of commissions when paying for housing and communal services will not affect all Russians – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Senior researcher at the Institute of Social Analysis and Forecasting at RANEPA, Alexandra Burdyak, said that Russians in need of social support from the state may not face the risk of fees being charged when paying for housing and communal services (housing and communal services), if the personal account is valid. did not open on their behalf. “If there is a pensioner or a disabled person in the family, but the personal account is opened for an able-bodied family member who does not belong to the listed categories, then the withdrawal of bank commissions will most likely not apply to such a person. family,” RIA Novosti quotes Burdyak. According to the expert, it is not yet possible to say exactly how many Russians this measure will affect, since the number of houses in which a personal account has been opened for citizens belonging to the preferential category has not increased. She recalled that from July 1, tariffs for housing and communal services will increase in Russia. The abolition of commissions is intended to mitigate the increase in tariffs for certain categories of families. Let us recall that Russian President Vladimir Putin signed it in December last year. a law abolishing bank fees for paying utility bills for categories of citizens in need of social support. The list of such categories had to be approved by the government.

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