The 6th annual anti-drug forum took place in Samara – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

27.06.2024 22:24 SAMARA. JUNE 27. LATEST NEWS. Read: 33 Print version If you find an error in the text, select it and press CTR + Enter On June 26, the Samara Regional Universal Scientific Library hosted the 6th annual anti-drug forum of the Samara Region “WE LIVE!” About 150 people – representatives of the government, internal affairs agencies, specialized agencies, the media and public organizations – discussed in the regional capital the issue of consolidating the necessary funds to implement the anti-drug strategy in the region, approved by the President of the Russian Federation. . Federation for 2020-2030. The event was timed to coincide with the International Day Against Illicit Drug Trafficking and was aimed at forming a conscious negative attitude in society towards illegal drug use and participation in the drug trade, as well as providing assistance to people who have refused to use prohibited substances. . According to the anti-drug strategy approved by Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2020, the focus in the fight against the drug threat is on promoting traditional Russian spiritual and moral values. This involves coordinated work by representatives of all branches of government, society and public institutions, creating a single space for implementing anti-drug initiatives and developing intersectoral dialogue. Thus, the round table of the VI annual drug forum was attended by representatives of the regional commission on combating drugs, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Migration Policy, the Ministry of Social and Demographic and Family Policy. Politics, heads of non-governmental programs for social rehabilitation and social adaptation of people addicted to substance abuse. The honorary guests of the forum were the president of the Samara regional branch of the Union of Journalists of Russia Irina Tsvetkova, the head of the drug control department from the Chief Director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Samara Region, the police. Colonel Vyacheslav Tishin, Chief Physician of the Samara Regional Public Health Center, Chairman of the Commission of the Public Chamber of the Samara Region on Healthcare, Healthy Lifestyle, Physical Culture and Sports, Chairman of the regional branch of the Russian Red . Cross, PhD in Medicine Alexander Muravets. In addition to the round table, presentation areas and thematic master classes were also organized. The therapeutic community exchanged new developments, methods and technologies, talked about programs for prevention, social rehabilitation, support and assistance to relatives of addicts (sonarcomans). Each event was held in the format of an open discussion and touched upon the most pressing topics: – creation of an additional mechanism for the effective implementation of the state anti-drug strategy for 2020-2030, approved by the President of the Russian Federation; reducing the risks of an increase in socially significant diseases through social work and psychological support for persons affected by SVO; – reducing the level of drug addiction among citizens, as well as the harmful effects of non-medical use of psychoactive substances; substances and illegal actions in the field of drug trafficking in the Samara Region; — to build a viable and effective system of inter-sectoral interaction with authorities, local governments, youth organizations, municipal anti-drug commissions and public organizations, non-governmental centers for social rehabilitation and social adaptation of persons dependent on psychoactive substances operating in the Samara region. Latest news

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