Terrible temperature changes were promised in the Sverdlovsk region – Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The beginning of calendar summer in the Sverdlovsk region will be marked by warming. It has been cold in Yekaterinburg for the last month and a half, but warming is expected in the coming days. Forecasters predict very hot weather. However, you need to be prepared for temperature fluctuations. At night on May 31 in Yekaterinburg the temperature is expected to be 3-5 degrees, during the day the temperature will rise to 18-21 degrees. On Saturday, June 1, it will be 6-8 degrees at night, and warmer during the day to 21-23 degrees. The wind will be unstable and weak, the Ural Hydrometeorological Center reports. According to the telegram channel “Weather in Yekaterinburg”, at night on June 2 the temperature will be about 10 degrees Celsius, and during the day it will rise to 24 degrees. On Monday, daytime temperatures will reach 25 degrees. – On May 30, the territory of the Sverdlovsk region will be on the eastern (cold) periphery of the anticyclone. Gradually, the anticyclone will move east, the air mass over the Urals will become warmer, and the atmospheric front will weaken. Thus, the peak of cooling in the Sverdlovsk region will occur on the night of May 30. The next night, May 31, will also be frosty, but less severe, said the author of the Telegram channel Alexey Pulin. Until May 31, frosts down to minus five degrees are possible at night in the Sverdlovsk region. From June 1, daytime air temperatures in the region will rise to 19-24 degrees.

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