Take them, for example: Roskontrol named 5 brands of butter that definitely do not contain palm oil

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Russian experts have named brands of butter that definitely do not contain palm oil. This list was published by Roskachestvo after conducting an important study, the results of which were confirmed in independent laboratories. Butter remains one of the most popular products. However, consumers want to be sure that they are buying a quality product made from real cream. The problem is that some manufacturers save raw materials by adding vegetable fats to the oil. Only a laboratory test carried out by specialists can detect a fake. Roskoshestvo purchased several dozen oil samples and sent them for testing. As a result, the best brands with a standard fat content level of 82.5 percent were identified. Among the brands recommended for purchase was Ekomilk butter. The brand was previously blacklisted due to the presence of phytosterols, which indicate the presence of palm oil. However, the manufacturer has corrected the violations, and now the product meets all standards. The list of the best also included oils “Joy of Taste” and “Brest-Litovskoe”. These brands have successfully passed the naturalness test and no preservatives were found in their composition. In addition, you can safely choose oils from the “Iz Vologda” and “Vkusnoteevo” brands. No palm oil or other undesirable components were found in them.

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