Svetlakov stopped remaining silent about relations with Brezhneva – Russia today

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Sergei Svetlakov Photo: Pavel Kashaev, Pavel Kashaev/Global Look Press Sergei Svetlakov many years later spoke about rumors of an affair with Vera Brezhneva. They wrote that the showman became close to the singer on the set of the film “The Jungle”. Journalists were unable to find direct evidence of their secret connection. At the same time, Svetlakov left his wife Yulia in the middle of the filming process, and Brezhneva, in turn, ran away from Mikhail Kiperman, the father of her youngest daughter. Recently, Svetlakov decided to talk frankly with Nadezhda Strelets. During the interview, she asked a direct question about the status of her relationship with Brezhneva. He tried to avoid answering, saying that he had given the singer his word not to reveal this secret. And then he admitted that he really became close to Vera on the set. “Then we just needed each other creatively. We actually found ourselves in the same situation on this island. Everything somehow connected us there: the script, life circumstances, there were many parallels,” explained Svetlakov. He added that “most likely nothing happened” between them. Now they no longer communicate. “Everyone went their own way,” Sergei said on the set of the YouTube show. Sergei, we recall, has been happily married to Antonina Chebotareva for 10 years, who bore him two sons – Ivan and Maxim. As for Brezhneva, she has just become single again. The singer’s marriage to Konstantin Meladze broke up last year.

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