Olga Besedina’s family lives in the village of Sergeikha, Kameshkovsky district. Three out of four children travel several times a week to the neighboring region, to the city of Suzdal, to attend classes at the Lumo de Vivo leisure center. Over time, Olga herself became a volunteer in this organization: “I never thought that I would be a volunteer. But even our parents do not stand aside and actively participate in the work. For example, I gather children in our village, accompany them and help them in their classes.” The Vladimir regional public organization “Light of Life” opened in Suzdal ten years ago. For five years it has been headed by Elena Golubeva. Every day she meets children from villages in the Suzdal region and Suzdal itself in a room on Sadovaya Street. Up to 80 children can come here every day. Thanks to the “Move Forward” project, which received support from Presidential grants, it was possible to organize transportation from remote settlements, as well as from neighboring areas. “This year we won a grant. Part of the funds went to purchase a bus. I myself passed category D and now I bring children from villages and villages to our recreation center,” said Elena Golubeva. The entertainment center Lumo de Vivo is open until 22:00; on weekends and holidays, most of the city’s children’s clubs are closed. Children from different families come here, including poor and large families. They find activities that suit their interests. The center’s staff, together with Elena Golubeva, includes 30 teachers. They teach children to draw, sew, woodwork and cook. Perhaps this will help someone decide on their future profession. “We have tennis tables, billiards, air hockey, a huge trampoline that children love to jump on. We have classes every day. For example, on Monday there is a circle of soft toys, on Tuesday there is an animation studio, on Wednesday there is sewing,” notes Elena Golubeva. Children play sports in the center, the youngest go to a speech therapist. The children especially look forward to one teacher. This is dog handler Laura Panina. She brings her specially trained dogs to Light of Life, who play with children, and they, in turn, learn to respect animals. “There was a difficult boy in my group, he didn’t study, didn’t do his homework,” says volunteer Olga Besedina. “We started taking him to classes at the recreation center, and very little time passed, and his mother said: he’s doing his homework at home!” This is a huge step for him.” On November 13, the Light of Life organization celebrated its tenth anniversary. 300 people gathered for the celebration – everyone involved in the creation of the organization, beneficiaries and teachers. The main heroes of the holiday were children. Having crossed the ten-year mark, the organization is making further plans: for example, building a special hall for sports.
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