Suburban train schedules will change in the Ryazan region – News

Posting in CHAT: Russia

In the Ryazan region, the schedule of commuter trains will change; on January 29 and 30 the schedule will change. This was reported by the press service of the Moscow Railway. According to the Ministry of Railways, on January 29 and 30 at the Divovo station and the Rybnoye – Divovo section from 06:50 to 09:50 the upper contact network will be modernized. On these days, some commuter trains run between Ryazan. -1 stations, “Rybnoye”, “Golutvin”, “Moscow-Passenger-Kazanskaya”, “Ozery”, as well as “Ryazan-2” and “Ryazhsk” will have departure and arrival times and the number of stops along the route will change. In addition, On January 29, commuter trains No. 6005 “Ryazan-1-Divovo” and No. 6012 “Divov-Ryazan-1” will be excluded from the schedule.

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