Suburban rail services suspended in western Czech Republic due to heavy rains

Posting in CHAT: Russia

Train traffic in the western Czech Republic has been suspended, local television reports. The cause was heavy rain on Sunday morning. They caused earth to fall onto the rails from the hillside and trees to fall, as well as flooding of some sections of the tracks. The directions Pilsen-Strekonice and Domažlice-Kdyne were hit the hardest. Forecasters reported that 9.5 millimeters of water fell in some places near the cities of Pilsen and Rokycany in an hour. In turn, in the Pilsen-Strekonice section, about 36 cubic meters of earth collapsed onto the rails of the flooded slope. In turn, on the Domažlice-Kdyne section, several trees fell on the rails and part of the track was flooded. According to local rescuers, the restoration of train traffic is expected no earlier than the second half of tomorrow. Plans to temporarily replace rail traffic on local routes with buses have been rendered impossible by parts of the highway being under water. Local residents were warned about the dangers of staying near rivers and reservoirs. Drivers are advised to travel only in emergencies. There is a possibility that some rivers will overflow their banks, especially in mountainous areas.

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