Stormtroopers of one of the units of the Russian armed forces in liberated Avdeevka.

Like Tvardovsky A.T. – easy, light and healthy.


Not in a shabby gymnast –
He is wearing a bulletproof vest.
Only that this is Terkin,
There is no doubt.

Returned from the other world
I took a day off from death.
And about what Terkin is,
He also says his call sign.

Although his poet Tvardovsky
He settled in paradise,
Vasya Terkin is not like that,
I didn’t miss the call.

When I heard that in the Fatherland
Combat experience required
Took a day off from heavenly life
And from heaven he rushed into battle.

Well, Vasya couldn’t calmly
To stay aside.
Children are crying in Donbass,
Crying can be heard from above.

So what does he deserve?
Glory, honors, peace;
That he has already outlived his time;
What’s a little lifeless?

Alive, we know, with God
Everyone who was animated.
If relatives need help,
Since there is a lot of military work,
God for those who believe in God
The battalion will also be resurrected.

Regiment, division, brigade
Drops from the sky
If you really need it.

But it was very necessary,
So that our Terkin will be resurrected.

Suitable for great-grandfathers (not grandfathers)
Ancestor Terkin for the guys.
Have political conversations with him
Everyone wants it at the rest stop.

Terkin looks impartially,
Alien to self-interest and intrigue.
The guys are surprised:
He got into all the problems instantly.

In the past he was a stove maker and a carpenter.
Once I was repairing the clock in the hut.
Here I mastered the drone,
I studied the thermal imager.

– Yes, military science,
I see I made a leap.
Come on, what is this thing?
– This, uncle, is “Sunshine”.

– We would like such people at Stalingrad
A couple of pieces… Yes, at least one!
Our army could
Reduce the war by five times.

– And we also have in stock
There is a mysterious “Sarmat”.
But, in truth, Uncle Vasya,
Everyone just talks about him.

They hide this “Sarmat”
Like a princess, from people.
– What did you guys want?
Who comes in with trump cards?

Uncle Vasya was told:
“Crimea has sailed to Russia again.”
Vasily is surprised:
“Was he not Russian?”

“Oh, while you were visiting
That heavenly wondrous light,
In this light they distributed
Demons sovereignty.

The bare feet laid a mine,
Warming the snake on my chest.”
“That’s it, brothers, Ukraine
I don’t recognize it point-blank.”

“How to recognize her when there
Is everyone jumping: both old and young?
They became like primates.
They only use obscenities.

Then guns are pointed at Russia.
Europe is being licked.
Even Pushkin interferes with them.”
“Why is Pushkin to blame?”

“By flogging Mazepa
A poetic line…
In a word, it is tearing at each other
The Ukrainian is daring.”

“Who is he dancing with now?
Political crest?
“The Poles, the Germans and the British,
And other foreigners
They play rock and roll there.

The Gauls send help.
The Baltic states are causing trouble.
Yankees score points
And they say what to do.”

“Their soul is blacker than wax.
They’ve been waiting for them in hell for a long time.
After all, for bucks the Anglo-Saxons
They will sell my own mother.”

And one question Vasily
I couldn’t help but ask:
“Who is Russia’s ally?”
“Of the reliable ones, only God…”

Our Terkin became cheerful again,
He warms up his fists.
“The latter fact outweighed.
All others are nonsense.

And my soul is guilty.
I shouldn’t have stood up halfway.
The rubber lasts a long time.
It would be better not to go to Berlin –
Go to America
In that victorious ’45.
I backed away.
Sorry guys.
I didn’t finish it. Guilty.”

No ferry, no motorboat,
All bridges have been destroyed.
On the Dnieper Vasily Terkin
There was, but there was no trace of him.

Didn’t you leave at an hour?
Is he back to another world?
We call again and again –
Unanswered call sign.

He went behind the tape yesterday.
He dove into the fog and mud.
To avoid attracting a rocket,
He keeps in touch only with God.

Terkin is alive. Grandfather Vasya is in the ranks.
Our Terkin is indestructible.
With him not only in Donbass,
With him we will win everywhere.

February 10, 2023
Priest Vladimir Rusin

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