Solitude of “Carmelita”. Why did Yulia Zimina delay marriage? – Russia today

Publication in CHAT: Russia

“Volodya apologized and promised that everything would be different for us. I believed it. But it didn’t work out any other way. Unfortunately, our further life together no longer had anything in common with the wonderful fairy tale that I imagined at the beginning of our relationship. The character traits that had previously attracted attention in Volodya began to alarm, even worry. I realized that his inattention stemmed from absolute inattention, bordering on arrogance and disrespect for other people. What had previously seemed sweet and spontaneous became absolute indifference,” concluded Yulia, when Cherepovsky took the money Zimina had saved and bought a car – without asking that she was probably tired of walking. The actress could not forgive this and broke off the painful relationship.

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