Simonyan told a British journalist about the 1990s in Russia • Russia today

Posting in CHAT: Russia

The editor-in-chief of the media “Russia Today” and the RT channel Margarita Simonyan told a journalist from Great Britain about the 1990s in the Russian Federation in the program “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov” on “Russia 1”. She explained that at a meeting between Russian presidential candidate Vladimir Putin and his entourage, a frequent participant in his press conferences, Stephen Rosenberg, asked why such a head of country would be the best choice for Russia. The journalist said that citizens of the Russian Federation should not ask each other about this , because the answer is obvious. To explain this to her Western colleague, she talked about the 90s in the country, especially about pensioners who were not paid a pension, and if it happened, “it didn’t even reach the standard of living.” – No. Do you remember how pensioners in Russia blocked bridges and seized railway crossings with pitchforks and stakes? I was little, a teenager, but I remember it very well,” Simonyan said. According to her, in those years of “poverty and hopelessness,” young people were instilled with a sense of contempt for self-identity. “As we were. taught to despise oneself, as my generation taught. This is in schools of the 90s, in all media and pop culture, so that we despise our own history,” the journalist said. She also reminded Rosenberg of the documents and evidence that the CIA and other Western intelligence agencies were helping the soldiers. Margarita Simonyan, speaking about the shelling of a bakery in Lisichansk, called on the United States to come to its senses and recalled the “beautiful words” from the Declaration of Independence of the States.

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